Saturday, February 19, 2011

- food for share -

Hello Every1

Today's entry is something like...ermm....I categorized it under my life (LABELS)...

it is about a phrase that touch me in a middle of somewhere in myself - that called HEART..

it was a phrase that I heard in one movie back in many2 years ago...

it sound like this...

"bisikku pada bulan,
temanku, kekasihku, syurgaku...

Tanpa dia,
Malam menemaniku........
Sepi memelukku....

Bulan jangan biar siang,

Biar alam ini kelam,

Biar dia sepi, sepertiku..."

Sadis, pathetic, sad and hopeless rigt?

but i found it different, its like written by someone who really know on how to expressed them self..

Well done to the writer of a movie named "SEPI"

However, it wasnt about me at all,
just want to have something to write...

and i think, why not im sharing a lil bit of myself..

that alls folk,
till then, word up!

ChiLL and CooL...

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