Hello, Assalamualaikum every1,
happy Maulidur Rasul, may all be blessed..;p
today's entry I would like to write sumthing about our local football hero, Safee Sali, who just boarding off to Indonesia, to play for Pelita Jaya Fc in Indonesia Super League.
For sure, his decision to moved to Indonesia, had became a special invitation for any open debate...
among the common questions / assumptions are :
1 - perlu ke safee main kat luar negara, indon plak tue?
2 - macam la hebat sangat si safee tu nk men oversea..eleh
3 - abesla karier die nanti kat sane, pasni xleh pakai da..
4- kalau die xde, sapa nk men selangor lagi..
5 - pasni susah la malaysia nk menang, safee da men indonesia, xdak la cuti da..haha (ok, this was qouted from hotfm, ;p)
it not just that, the president of FAM also indicate that there was no point for Safee to play at our neighbour's league, since it offered no major differences with our own Super League...
I mean, seriously?
why we should be so typical about that..i mean, this is at least a good achievement from our local talents..at least, Indonesia see it dat way...
it might be painful to heard this, but apart from beating them in the AFF, we have been so long became the second best than Indonesia, Singapore and especially Thailand.
Usually, they were one step ahead of us, and since the gold medal from SEA games and AFF champion in the bag, now every single eyes are on our players...
Honestly, Safee decision either to or not to go to play for pelita jaya is totally his decision, it is his future that we are talking about..
and yet, the decision had been made, the offer had been accepted!
all he need now is the support from us, come on, this is such a great move for him...
yerp, its "Liga Indonesia je pun",
but do remember, it is better to play outside rather than nothing...
not to be double standard here, but it has been 10 years safee played inside, it just a matter of time and opportunity for him to expand his career..
at least, he can gain some valuable experience there, and build up a confident and reputation as one of the best striker in this region...
Just imagine this, back on early 2000, the Selangor fans always mentioned the name of Bambang Pamungkas and Ellie Aiboy, the two stars that played for the team...
They became a legendary partner, and it is not over to said that now is Safee's turn...
if he can maintained his form during the AFF tournament, I dont see why he cant achieve the same way like Bambang...
In his first official interview with the media there, Safee did mention on his desire to score in every single game he plays, and he also hope that he can help to develop the young players there...
Personally, as a Selangor fans, i've been watching Safee played many games for so long.. I know, we know what he capable of...
I have to admit, it such a big loss for Selangor team, but as long as he went for a better opportunity, you get our blessed SAFEE! we right behind ya!
Malaysians, just gave him our support, he himself know what's best for his career...
Lets hope that this can open a window of opportunity for other national players...
a player like Norshahrul, Aidil Zafuan, Shafiq Rahim, Kunalan and Gurusamy need those opportunity...
They have such a great talents, the coaches here have done their part to help them develop, now its their time to begin new chapter, which is experience outside...
they need to go outside, gain a different experience and at the same time, and when they confidence enough, they surely can lead the national team and thus to enhance the standard of our team performance...
Look at Korea, Japan, and event Laos, they did not afraid to encourage their players to went outside of their comfort zone, because they knew, this will benefits their standard later on...
to FAM, if you think that Indonesian league did not met ur standard, go and do something..
find a way, a better way to help to improve our players standard..
at least, find a club or any competitive league outside there, approach them to give an opportunity to our young local talents...
not just giving them a bunch of incentives, without looking at their future prospect...
Yes, they deserved the money, but Im sure they also deserved a better plan, we have already conquer the Asean, what about Asian? Olympic and World?
It might be just a dream??,
but with a great squad that we have now, and a bright prospect of young talents in the Harimau Muda team, who know sooner or later, they can make our dream come true...
For Safee Sali, Best of Luck from me and who ever agreed on this...;p
bring more silverware and kirim salam cowok2 di sana ya!
Just dont stop believing,
till then, Word Up!
ChiLL and CooL...
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